Revision of Fiin’s ENM status

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Finn is not a carrier of ENM!

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Flying through the weaves


We are pleased to announce that Finn’s blood was retested for ENM because both of his parents have recently been tested as  Clear/Not Carriers. The results recently arrived. Finn is officially NOT a CARRIER of ENM.

Finn at 24 months

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Kooikerhondje: Muskettikoiran Flying Finn

Waterbound Kooikerhondje, Finn enjoying the springlike weather along with his best friend, Clanci. Finn, or more formally Muskettikoiran Flying Finn FDCH-S  NA  NAJ is taking a day off from training and just having a play day today. Finn has a FDCH-S or Fly Ball Dog Champion-Silver title at the end of his name. He just recently earned his NA or Novice Agility and his NAJ or Novice Agility Jumpers titles as well. Finn is co-owned with Golden Gate Kooikers.

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