Breaker at 12 months
Luke at the Royal Canine National Championship
Celebrating her 10th birthday today!
Lucy is still a puppy at heart.
UKC CH Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds AX MXJ CD RE
Luke back at home
Watch Luke in the Sporting Group at the AKC National Championship
GCH Estaika’s Lucky Lukas CGC TKN competed in the AKC National Championship Sporting Group last Saturday.
Kooikers competing at AKC National Championship in Orlando
Look what came in the mail yesterday!
It finally arrived!
Demi earns new titles
Demi is now Waterbound Demi Delight BN RI CGC TKN pending AKC confimation. Demi earned her Rally Novice Title in Groves, TX on Oct 19 and her Rally Intermediate as well as her CGC and Novice Trick Dog on Oct 26 at the Capital Dog Training Club trial in Austin, TX