Fifth puppy
Seventh puppy
Fifth puppy
Seventh puppy
The puppies arrived Saturday between 5:50 and 8:03 with no complications. She had 6 males and 2 females. Spirit is an amazing mother. Her mother, Zya, had a litter of 5 the same day in Switzerland.
Lucy earned her CD title with two first places and a second place. She is now UKC CH Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds CD RE AX MXJ FDCH TKA CGC.
Just returned from a whirlwind trip to visit Carousel Kooiker’s beautiful litter out of Primadonna and Matisse. While there, I had the opportunity to see Luke’s son Derby, Lilly and Astro’s daughters Joy and Emmi as well as Lucy’s daughter Amica and grandson Flash. Many thanks to Susanne Martin of Golden Gate Kooikers for arranging all the meetings, carting me around, and taking these lovely photos. Derby
Check out the puppy play yard my husband is building for me. He still plans to make a dog walk and we are going to add a sand box for digging.
The Spirit and Harvey pregnancy has been confirmed by ultrasound. Puppies are expected December 17.