Estaika’s Lucky Lukas (Luke) won Best of Breed, Best in the Foundation Stock Service Group and Best in the Open Show at the American Portuguese Podengo Mediogrande Open Show held in Wichita, Kansas today. He is pictured with Bree, the Best of Oposite Sex winner owned by Cheryl Short and Susanne Martin. Both Luke and Bree are co-owned with Golden Gate Kooikers.
Waterbound Kooikerhondje, Finn enjoying the springlike weather along with his best friend, Clanci. Finn, or more formally Muskettikoiran Flying Finn FDCH-S NA NAJ is taking a day off from training and just having a play day today. Finn has a FDCH-S or Fly Ball Dog Champion-Silver title at the end of his name. He just recently earned his NA or Novice Agility and his NAJ or Novice Agility Jumpers titles as well. Finn is co-owned with Golden Gate Kooikers.
Clanci is our 10 month old Kooikerhondje puppy from Finland. Her official name is Mendikan Clanci Bema. We are grateful to Clanci’s breeder Henna Palmunen for trusting her with us. Clanci resides at Waterbound Kooikers and is co-owned with Golden Gate Kooikers. View more pictures of this Kooikerhondje by clicking on OUR DOGS then CLANCI.
Luke, otherwise known as Estaika’s Lucky Lukas is pictured at a park in Alvin, TX in March of 2015. Luke came here from Finland as an 8 week old kooikerhondje puppy nearly 2 years ago. He lives at Waterbound and is co-owned by Waterbound Kooikers and Golden Gate Kooikers. More pictures of Luke taken on the same day can be seen on his page.
While co-owned by Waterbound Kooikers, Ruby resides in CA. We are planning a litter in the late fall or early winter of next year. Ruby has all her health clearances now except her final hip OFA.
Finn is multi-talented. At just a few days past 2 years, he has earned both Fly Ball and Agility titles. FlyBall is a sport where a team of 4 dogs runs a relay race, jumping 4 hurdles, hitting a box that releases a tennis ball, catching the ball in their mouth and racing back over the hurdles. The team races against the clock as well as against another team of dogs.
Finn competed in 2 classes, Novice Standard a performance event where the dog, directed by his human partner, must complete a course consisting of jumps, an A-frame, tunnels, weave polls, etc…, running against the clock and Novice Jumpers with Weaves. Novice Jumpers with Weaves is a course consisting of only jumps, tunnels and weave polls. The dog must qualify 3 times in each event to earn a title.
NA stands for Novice Agility.
NAJ stands for Novice Agility Jumpers.
FDCH-S is a Fly Ball title, Fly Ball Dog Champion Silver.
Lucy earned a Double Q on Saturday at the South Texas Agility Club trial. A Double Q, means she qualified in both Master Standard and Master Jumpers with Weaves in the same day. On Sunday, she did agreat job as well. She Qualified with a second place in Jumpers with Weaves. In her Standard run, I directed her in to the wrong entrance to the tunnel , resulting in a NQ or non-qualifying score. At the Master level, no mistakes are allowed. UKC CH Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds RE AX AXJ FDX