12 Day old Puppies
First Experience on New Bedding
Lilly has 4 puppies, 2 males and 2 females!
Spirit: trip to Concord
Ayita of Bear Spirit, “Spirit”
Spirit won Best of Opposite Sex at KCUSA’s ( Kooikerhondje Club of the United States of America’s) Open Show in Concord, North Carolinaat the young age of 8 months.
Waterbound Offspring “Copper”
Waterbound Ayko, “Copper”
Copper, shown by his owner Zach, went on to win Best of Breed and Miscellaneous Group First Place in Concord North Carolina! Congratulations Copper, Zacc, and Summer. We are so proud!
Lucy has earned her Flyball Dog Champion-Gold title
UKC CH Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds RE AX MXJ CGC FDCH-G
Kooikerhondjes Playing in the Water