It’s official , Clanci’s Certificate of Merit has arrived from the AKC

Mendikan Clanci Bema CM CGC

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Clanci Certificate of Merit


Clanci is the first female Kooikerhondje and second overall, in the US to earn the American Kennel Club’s Certificate of Merit. The first was another Waterbound Kooiker, Estaika’s Lucky Lukas CM CGC. Both Kooikers are co-owned with Golden Gate Kooikers. Many thanks to Clanci’s breeder, Henna Palmunen of Mendikan Kooikers.

Lucy earns KCUSA’s Performance Award for a perfect score in Rally

UKC CH Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds RE AX MXJ FDch CGC

kooikerhondjes, kooikers, Rally, Kooikerhondje Rally,
Lucy competes in Rally Excellent

Birmingham Kennel Club Lucy


perfect score

Lucy was awarded this certificate by KCUSA for earning a perfect score of 100 in AKC Rally.

AKC Rally® is a companion sport to AKC Obedience. It too requires teamwork between dog and handler along with performance skills similar to obedience. Rally provides an excellent introduction to AKC events for new dogs and handlers, and can provide a challenging opportunity for competitors in other events to strengthen their skills. All dogs are eligible to compete in rally.


Another Waterbound Kooiker has a CHIC#

kooikerhondje in agility, kooiker agility, kooikerhondjes, kooiker

AyrieWaterbound Ayrie Pedal to the Medal

Ayrie has been awarded his CHIC number by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals and the American Kennel Club. He received his chic number by completing all the required health testing for Kooikerhondje, The tests include vWd, ENM, eyes, hips, and patellas.

Dr Kit Kampschmidt’s Free podcast “Cryopreservation of Canine semen”

Dr Kit Kampschmidt’s free podcast

Cryopreservation of Canine Semen

Kit Campschmidt

Canine reproductioncanine reproduction Houston, Reproduction vet. used by Waterbound Kooikers

Dr Kit Kampschmidt is one of the veterinarians at Brittmoore Animal Hospital in Houston, TX. Brittmoore Animal Hospital is the place I use for all reproductive issues as well as OFA hips.

Reproduction Veterinarian
Dr Kit Kampschmidt”s podcast


Dr. Kit Kampschmidt is a 1983 graduate of Oklahoma State University. He joined Brittmoore Animal Hospital in 1984. He has an interest in canine reproduction and cryopreservation. He is a nationally recognized authority in these areas and has served as a consultant to other veterinarians through the Veterinary Information Network (VIN). He has been an invited speaker for national veterinary meetings, state and local veterinary associations, and many breed clubs. He currently serves on the Synbiotics National Canine Reproduction Advisory Council and has trained veterinarians from all over the United States and the world (Korea, New Zealand, Slovakia, Greece, and Canada) in canine semen freezing and artificial insemination techniques. He is a member of the Harris County Veterinary Medical Association, Texas Veterinary Medical Association, American Veterinary Medical Association, American Animal Hospital Association and serves on the board of directors for the Society for Theriogenology.

Photos of Kooiker Yede Tjarda vd Lutte Vaert

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 Maggie/Toni Litter’s Grandfather & Great-Grandfather

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Maggie’s father and grandfather
kooikerhondjes, kooikers, kooiker,
Maggie’s father


I thought on the occasion of Maggie & Toni’s litter’s second birthday, posting these pictures would be of interest. Maggie’s father is Yede Tjarda vd LutteVaert. Her grandfather is CH Idol Thieme vh Runxputtehof. I was given these pictures when I picked up Maggie from the Netherlands.

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