The Harvey and Zelda puppies are 11 days old. The male has already tripled his birth weight and the female is not far behind. Zelda is being a great mother.
Zelda/Harvey puppies are here!
Nederlandse Kooikerhondje All Breed Stats as of June 30, 2019
Canine Chronicle Statistics

Astro is a Grand Champion!
Puppies expected August 14
Demi has new titles!
Ch Waterbound Jumping Jack Splash
Check out Harvey
GCHB Waterbound Everything Harvey vd Golden Gate NA NAJ CGC
My favorite photo of Harvey!
GCHB Waterbound Everything Harvey v.d. Golden Gate NA NAJ CGC. Number 1 Nederlandse Kooikerhondje in breed and all breed through May 30, 2019 according to the Canine Chronicle statistics.