Lucy, Waterbound’s first Kooikerhondje from turned 16 yesterday

Lucy is now Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds CD RE AX MXJ FDCH TKA CGC
Kooikerhondjes Astro, Luke and Lucy on a walk at Manvil High School during the holidays. They got lots of practise on their “stand stays” as well as “recalls”.
Lucy was awarded this certificate by KCUSA for earning a perfect score of 100 in AKC Rally.
Lucy earned this award from the Kooikerhondje Club of the USA by earning titles in 5 different venues. She earned a UKC Championship, a Rally Excellent, an Agility Excellent , a Master Agility Jumpers, a Fly Ball Dog Championship-Silver and a Canine Good Citizenship.
UKC CH Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds, RE AX MXJ CGC received her MXJ title certificate yesterday. As much as we enjoy agility, we are going to limit our entries for the time being. Almost all trials in the Houston, TX area are now held in a building 1 1/2 hours away with only one ring. With dogs competing in various levels, it makes for a very long and boring day. We were gone from the house for 15 hours recently and then had to wake up early and leave the house by 5:00 the next morning and do it all over again. All for about 4 minutes of ring time. We will now concentrate on obedience trials.
Lucy earned a Double Q on Saturday at the South Texas Agility Club trial. A Double Q, means she qualified in both Master Standard and Master Jumpers with Weaves in the same day. On Sunday, she did agreat job as well. She Qualified with a second place in Jumpers with Weaves. In her Standard run, I directed her in to the wrong entrance to the tunnel , resulting in a NQ or non-qualifying score. At the Master level, no mistakes are allowed. UKC CH Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds RE AX AXJ FDX