Estaika’s Lucky Lukas CM CGC took Best of Breed and a Sporting Group 3 on Saturday at the Baytown Kennel Club show. On Sunday, he took Best of Breed, Owner Handled Sporting Group 1 and Owner Handled Reserve Best in Show. Thank you judges Danelle Brown and Sharon Redmer!
Luke’s beautiful daughter, Dory
Waterbound Dory Darling CGCA TKN
Astro, Luke, and Lucy
Three Kooikers on an Outing
Kooikerhondjes Astro, Luke and Lucy on a walk at Manvil High School during the holidays. They got lots of practise on their “stand stays” as well as “recalls”.
4 Waterbound Kooikers on a Walk
Walk at the Park
Waterbound Kooikers Astro, Luke, Clanci and Spirit on a walk at Frankie Carter Randolph Park in Friendswood, TX.
Spirit and her new friend.
Kooikers in Seabrook, TX
Kooikers in Seabrook, TX
Spirit, Clanci, Luke and Astro
It’s official, Luke’s Certificate is here
Luke is awarded Best of Breed
Estaika’s Lucky Lukas CGC

Luke did a great job at the Houston World Series of Dog Shows. He was awarded Best of Breed once and received a placement 3 additional times. Luke is co-owned with Golden Gate Kooikers.
Koooikerhondje Best in Open Show Photo Arrives
Estaika’s Lucky Lukas
Luke’s win picture has finally arrived. Luke won Best Kooikerhondje, Best of the Foundation Stock Group and Best in the American Portuguese Podengo Mediogrande Open Show in Wichita, Kansas at the Sunflower Cluster of Dog Shows on April 3, 2015. He also earned his Canine Good Citizenship that weekend.
Waterbound’s 5th Kooikerhondje is now listed on the Canine Health Information Center’s Web Site
CHIC Number for Luke has Arrived from the American Kennel Club

See all Kooikerhondjes with a CHIC number here:
What is CHIC?
The Canine Health Information Center, also known as CHIC, is a centralized canine health database sponsored by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA). CHIC, working with participating parent clubs, provides a resource for breeders and owners of purebred dogs to research and maintain information on the health issues prevalent in specific breeds by establishing a recommended protocol for breed specific health screening and recognizing dogs tested in accordance with that protocol.
Great News

Luke’s official OFA Hip Report arrived over the weekend. He received an evaluation of Excellent! This completes required health testing for a Kooikerhondje to be used in a breeding program.