New Kooikerhondje Fly Ball Titles

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Kooikerhondjes Lucy and Finn earned new titles this past weekend

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Just learning

Both Finn and Lucy participated in the Spring Fling VIII Fly Ball Tournament hosted by the Texas Twisters on April 17 &18, 2015. Finn ran full time on the K9Kommotiom team, “Klassics”. Lucy ran part time on the K9Kommotiom team, Kontenders. Read about the sport of Flay Ball and see their statistics as of !2/2015.

Lucy earned her FDCH title and her MBX title. MB stands for Multi Breed. To compete in Multi Breed., each of the 4 dogs running must be of a different breed. This was her first time to compete on a Multi Breed Team.

Finn earned his FDCH-Gold title on Sat. At this time, he  has never competed on a Multi Breed Team.

Waterbound’s 5th Kooikerhondje is now listed on the Canine Health Information Center’s Web Site

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CHIC Number for Luke has Arrived from the American Kennel Club

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All Tests Complete!

See all Kooikerhondjes with a CHIC number here:

What is CHIC?

The Canine Health Information Center, also known as CHIC, is a centralized canine health database sponsored by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA). CHIC, working with participating parent clubs, provides a resource for breeders and owners of purebred dogs to research and maintain information on the health issues prevalent in specific breeds by establishing a recommended protocol for breed specific health screening and recognizing dogs tested in accordance with that protocol.



Finn has completed all of his Health Clearances

Kooikerhondje: Muskettikoiran Flying Finn NA NAJ FDCH-Silver


Copy of Finn’s report from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals




Sep 9 2013

Mar 4 2014





Sep 9 2013

Mar 4 2014





Mar 12 2014

Mar 24 2014





Apr 9 2014

May 2 2014





Mar 12 2015

Apr 3 2015




 Now that Finn has completed all his Health Clearances, he should receive a CHIC Certificate from the American Kennel Club certifying that all recommended health tests are completed and published. I have attached a link to a site that compares the various registries for HIP Results


kooikerhondje, kooikerhondjes, kooikers, kooikerhindje stud dogs
Al tests are completed!!!

Above is a copy of Finn’s Official American Kennel Club Pedigree. His Finnish pedigree can be seen on his page on this website.


Lucy earns another agility title

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Kooikerhondje Lucy’s Master Agility Jumpers Title

Kooikerhondjes. kooikers in agility, kooikers, kooikerhondje, agility
Kooikerhondje Lucy earns her MXJ

UKC CH Vonlin’s Temple of the Winds, RE AX MXJ CGC received her MXJ title certificate yesterday. As much as we enjoy agility, we are going to limit our entries for the time being. Almost all trials in the Houston, TX area are now held in a building 1 1/2 hours away with only one ring. With dogs competing in various levels, it makes for a very long and boring day. We were gone from the house for 15 hours recently and then had to wake up early and leave the house by 5:00 the next morning and do it all over again. All for about 4 minutes of ring time. We will now concentrate on obedience trials.


Clanci Graduates!

Clanci and her Graduating Class

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Kooikerhondje Clanci graduates

Mendikan Clanci Bema CGC, better known as “Clanci “, is pictured with her graduating class from Basic and Beyond Puppy Training Class. About 12 dogs started the class, but only 4 showed up for the final class. Clanci learned some basic commands such as “go to your mat”, “watch me”,”come”, “sit”, “down”, “spin”, “touch”, and “back up”. She also started heeling and stays. Kooikerhondje can excel at obedience training. Most love to please and are very food and toy motivated.

Agility pictures of Lucy

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 Agility Photos of Lucy

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Go Lucy!
kooikers, kooikerhondje, kooiker, kooikerhondje in agility
Love the ears!

Finally, I have some pictures of my first kooikerhondje, Lucy competing in an Agility Trial.

Great News


kooikerhondjes, kooikers, kooiker hips, kooikerhondje Health Clearances, kooiker

Luke’s official OFA Hip Report arrived over the weekend. He received an evaluation of Excellent! This completes required health testing for a Kooikerhondje to be used in a breeding program.



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